Lawrence County appointments by Governor PenningtonLawrence County Commissioners named and take their officesJudicial districts formedCounty Commissioners arrived, first "legal law"Judge Granville Bennett, Judge of District CourtJudge Granville Bennett, photographer unknown, Copyright © image from The Black Hills: Or, The Last Hunting Ground of the Dakotahs By Annie D. Tallent, St. Louis, Nixon-Jones Printing Co., 1899.County Seat, where will it be locatedMines and Real estate need to be recorded, county recorderLawrence County Seat, placed at DeadwoodLawrence County Jail, Commissioners take bidsLawrence County Court House, proposals 50 x 50 ftJohn Lawrence, County Treasurer, Licenses tax dueLawrence County liqour license, $100.00 per yearProposition for $20,000 bonds, Court HouseCrook City, hopes boundary commission cuts Deadwood outLawrence County Jail move to South DeadwoodPoll tax and road tax on all males over 21, under 50Court House bond does not pass, voted downLiqour licence is due arrest are madeLawrence County Commissioners have survey done of townLawrence County Democrats call a mass meetingRepublican party of Lawrence County try to organizeBlack Hills citizens signed petition for electionJudge Granville Bennett, movement, mandamus, county electionDeadwood, plat and survey streets, remove obstructionsCounty Commissioners to build fire-proof for recordsJudge Granville Bennett granted general election in fallLocation of county seat to be voted onLawrence County election resultsDeadwood wins County Seat by 340 votesNo. 8 School Tax, Lawrence County, levied on tax payersNew officials demanded possession of their officesSol Star retains possession of Bullock's office, Deadwood JailLand Titles may not be recorded, Times editorialLawrence County dances to music of $100,000 defalcationCounty Commissioners examined Treasurer booksNewly elected Sheriff Manning moves office to Lee Street