The Black Hills Souvenir: A Pictorial and Historic Description of the Black Hills, John I. Sanford, Williamson-Haffner engraving Company, 1902
Investigation of geology. Prof. F.R. Carpenter, accompanied by Theodore Knutzen, engaged in investigation of geology. Carpenter, Frank R. Knutzen, Theodore. Black Hills Daily Times, May 26, 1887, p.4, col.3.
Mineral world June 3. Custer Chronicle on ore tests; School of Mines trustee meeting confers Bachelor of Science and certificates of proficiency in assaying. Mining. Clark, R. D. Custer. School of Mines. Hancher, John W. Reilly, George H. Knutzen, Theodore. McIsaac, Michael. Fayel, John J. Fleischman, John. Black Hills Daily Times, June 3, 1888, p.1, col.3.
Professor Knutzen to become resident. Franklin R. Carpenter and Professor Knutzen arrived from Rapid yesterday. Professor Knutzen has left the school of mines to become a permanent resident of Deadwood. Carpenter, Franklin R. Knutzen, Theodore. Black Hills Daily Times, April 2, 1890, p.2, col.2.
Passenger lists Smith's hack. Arrivals and departures via Northwestern. Stagelines. Axenberger, F. X. Knutzen, Theodore. Bacon, R. F. Nevins, William. Marble, Free, Albert T. Gerard, Bertie. Liston, J. A. Turner, J. L. Bosh, Fred. Turner, F. F. Kassenger, Willis. Flynn, E. H. Barclay, Charles. Bush, Joseph. Ball, O. W. Stewart, E. E. Black Hills Daily Times, April 2, 1890, p.2, col.2.
Mineral world April 2. Pyritic smelting; Wyoming oil; Oro Fino hires Pete Gilman; mining brevities. Mining. Oil. Bently, Gilman, Pete. Oro Fino Mine. School of Mines. Brettell, George. Carpenter, Franklin R. Knutzen, Theodore. Black Hills Daily Times, April 2, 1890, p.2, col.3.
Overland register April 2. Overland Hotel register. Patterson, H. F. Shipe, F. A. Edwards, T. P. Brodie, J. Stevens, T. B. Knutzen, Theodore. Collins, W. H. Murphy, E. Peterson, A. Rosander, A. Glover, J. Oliver, J. R. Marble, A. Barry, M. H. Black Hills Daily Times, April 2, 1890, p.3, col.5.
Passenger lists Smith's hack. Arrivals and departures via Smith's hack. Stagelines. Stevins, Daisey, J. Knutzen, Theodore. Neeley, C. H. McMahon, H. J. Knight, E. Knight, E. Mrs. Buchanan, Ethel. McKelen, E. D. Green, John. Rose, C. W. Conklin, H. W. Lambert, Clay. Chattuck, C. A. McReynolds, R. Funk, E. Coyle, M. J. Dalley, D. C. Stout, J. C. Dean, F. Kirby, R. F. Spencer, J. C. Saunders, Tom. Abt, Frank Smith, S. R. Mrs. Richardson, Dora. Chinese. Black Hills Daily Times, April 22, 1890, p.3, col.3.
Passenger lists Smith's hack. Arrivals and departures via Smith's hack. Stagelines. Stevins, Daisey, J. Knutzen, Theodore. Neeley, C. H. McMahon, H. J. Knight, E. Knight, E. Mrs. Buchanan, Ethel. McKelen, E. D. Green, John. Rose, C. W. Conklin, H. W. Lambert, Clay. Chattuck, C. A. McReynolds, R. Funk, E. Coyle, M. J. Dalley, D. C. Stout, J. C. Dean, F. Kirby, R. F. Spencer, J. C. Saunders, Tom. Abt, Frank Smith, S. R. Mrs. Richardson, Dora. Chinese. Black Hills Daily Times, April 22, 1890, p.3, col.3.
Passenger lists Smith's hack. Arrivals and departures via Northwestern. Comstock, S. A. Guely, O. E. Hamilton, E. F. Harris, A. H. Eaton, Frank. Haskell, William E. Waters, S. D. Lane, Mrs. Richner, Dora. Carver, J. H. Jenkins, John. Knutzen, Theodore. Wood, W. J. Ayres, F. Black Hills Daily Times, June 8, 1890, p.2, col.5.
Knutzen celebrates birth of daughter. Unusually good cigars enjoyed at Deadwood and Delaware smelter, furnished by Theodore Knutzen when he received word of new daughter. Knutzen, Theodore. Black Hills Daily Times, August 6, 1891, p.3, col.2.
Knutzen to get acquainted with daughter. 590Theodore Knutzen, assayer and bookkeeper at the Deadwood and Delaware smelter, left for Rapid yesterday to make acquaintance of his new daughter. Knutzen, Theodore. Black Hills Daily Times, Aug. 16, 1891, p.3, col.4.
Real estate filed December 7. Real estate transactions reported Dec. 8. Coffin, Mose. Baxter, Lee R. Big Missouri Mine. McCoy, A. A. Paddock, J. W. Rorapaugh, H. C. Knutzen, Theodore. King, Joseph. Kelder, H. Young, H. B. Franklin, O. E. Franklin, O. E. Mrs. King, S. Roy, C. Bazinet, John. Perkins, W. B. Black Hills Daily Times, Dec. 8, 1891, p.2, col.3.
Real estate report December 15. Real estate filed for record Dec. 14. Railroads. Gaskell, F. A. Reese, Henry. Johnson, Peter A. Sinclair, John. Ophir Mine. Black Prince Mine. Uncle Sam Mine. Hanke, Fred. Kehoe, Henry. Tony Mine. Pyrite Mine. Bishop, Floyd. Maggie Mine. Walter, Louis. Mathilda Mine. Knutzen, Theodore. Orobella Mine. Waggoner Mine. Deadwood and Delaware Smelting Company. Bullock, Seth. Star, Solomon. Stewart, Dan. Stewart, Alexander. McPherson, Donald A. Dague, Byron P. Murphy, John. Welcome Mining Company. Thorburn, R. H. Janquist, John. Robinson, R. O. Wilson, John R. VanCise, Edwin P. Homestake Mining Company. Arnold, Joseph. Young, H. B. Kelder, Aram. Berry, Thomas. Boolson, Doris. Loose, Maria C. L. Stewart, A. A. Blevins, Samuel H. Tilson, William. Black Hills Daily Times, Dec. 15, 1891, p.1, col.5.
Real estate report February 5. Real estate transfers. Palmer, Addie H. Koenigsberger, Phil. Koenigsberger, Sebastian. Carpenter, Franklin R. Deadwood and Delaware Smelting Company. Knutzen, Thomas. Davis, Frank R. Black Hills Daily Times, Feb. 5, 1892, p.2, col.4.
Real estate report March 2. James A. Vaughan to David R. Thompson; P.C. Riley to C.M. McKenzie; Theodore Knutzen to H.H. Kiemer. Vaughan, James A. Thompson, David R. Riley, P. C. McKenzie, C. M. Knutzen, Theodore. Kiemer, Henry H. Black Hills Daily Times, March 2, 1892, p.3, col.3.
Register of deeds report May 6. J. Goldberg to Jos. Stalcup and J.A. Stauffer; Geo. Powell to Jefferson Dodge; Max Bier to Theodor Knutzen. Goldberg, Jacob. Stalcup, Joseph. Stauffer, J. A. Powell, George. Dodge, Jefferson. Bier, Max. Knutzen, Theodore. Black Hills Daily Times, May 6, 1892, p.2, col.4.
Killed while stealing a ride. The body of a man, evidently victim of a railroad accident, found lying in ditch close to B. & M. railroad track east of Edgemont. Railroads. Johnston, W. W. Knutzen, Theodore. Kale, Harry. Black Hills Daily Times, June 5, 1892, p.2, col.2.
The Deadwood and Delaware smelter. A complete practical plant in successful operation in this city; does a custom business; pays cash for ores; a panacea to miners. Mining. Deadwood and Delaware Smelter. Carpenter, Frank R. Knutzen, Theodore. Faulkner, Iron Hill Mine. Hester A Mine. Bullion Mine. Dauckwardt, Paul. Rutherford B. Hayes Mine. Silver Queen Mine. Bristol Mine. Double Standard Mine. Calumet Mine. Bonanza Mine. Maggie Mine. Lyon, Mose. Seabury Mine. Jones, Tom. Dunn, Aaron. Spokane Mine. Maloney, Richard M. Black Hills Daily Times, Aug. 2, 1892, p.1, col.4.
Assessment notice. 500Summarization of legal advertisement. Mikado Mining Company assesses 2 cents per share. Mikado Mining Company. Knutzen, Theodore. Black Hills Daily Times, Nov. 1, 1892, p.3, col.5.
Delinquent sale notice. Mikado Mining Company notice of delinquent stock sale. Mikado Mining Company. Ford, O. J. Seifert, A. B. Kilpatrick Brothers and Collins. Knutzen, Theodore. Black Hills Daily Times, Dec. 14, 1892, p.2, col.3.
Among the mines December 23. Daily quotes; Minnesotal Consolidated Co.; Two Bears progress; mining brevities. Mining. Homestake Mining Company. Caledonia Mining Company. Deadwood-Terra Mining Company. Minnesota Mining Company. Enos, C. H. Two Bears Mine. Bishop, Floyd. Deadwood and Delaware Smelter. Knutzen, Theodore. Broughton, F. S. D. Black Hills Daily Times, Dec. 23, 1892, p.1, col.4.
Delinquent sale notice. Mikado Mining Company notice of delinquent stock sale. Mikado Mining Company. Ford, O. J. Seifert, A. B. Kilpatrick Brothers and Collins. Knutzen, Theodore. Black Hills Daily Times, Dec. 14, 1892, p.2, col.3.
Among the mines December 23. Daily quotes; Minnesotal Consolidated Co.; Two Bears progress; mining brevities. Mining. Homestake Mining Company. Caledonia Mining Company. Deadwood-Terra Mining Company. Minnesota Mining Company. Enos, C. H. Two Bears Mine. Bishop, Floyd. Deadwood and Delaware Smelter. Knutzen, Theodore. Broughton, F. S. D.
Among the mines December 24. Daily quotes; Hawkeye; Ajax; Bristol; Florence; St. John; mining brevities. Mining. Homestake Mining Company. Caledonia Mining Company. Deadwood-Terra Mining Company. Hawkeye Mining Company. Ajax Mining Company. Koenigsberger, S. Bristol Mine. Florence Mine. St. John Mine. Graham, Al. Carpenter, Frank R. Knutzen, Theodore. Broughton, F. S. D. Gertie Mine. White, Dick. White, Thomas. Black Hills Daily Times, Dec. 24, 1892, p.1, col.5.
Among the mines December 23. Daily quotes; Minnesotal Consolidated Co.; Two Bears progress; mining brevities. Mining. Homestake Mining Company. Caledonia Mining Company. Deadwood-Terra Mining Company. Minnesota Mining Company. Enos, C. H. Two Bears Mine. Bishop, Floyd. Deadwood and Delaware Smelter. Knutzen, Theodore. Broughton, F. S. D. Black Hills Daily Times, Dec. 23, 1892, p.1, col.4.
Among the mines December 24. Daily quotes; Hawkeye; Ajax; Bristol; Florence; St. John; mining brevities. Mining. Homestake Mining Company. Caledonia Mining Company. Deadwood-Terra Mining Company. Hawkeye Mining Company. Ajax Mining Company. Koenigsberger, S. Bristol Mine. Florence Mine. St. John Mine. Graham, Al. Carpenter, Frank R. Knutzen, Theodore. Broughton, F. S. D. Gertie Mine. White, Dick. White, Thomas. Black Hills Daily Times, Dec. 24, 1892, p.1, col.5.
Among the mines December 23. Daily quotes; Minnesotal Consolidated Co.; Two Bears progress; mining brevities. Mining. Homestake Mining Company. Caledonia Mining Company. Deadwood-Terra Mining Company. Minnesota Mining Company. Enos, C. H. Two Bears Mine. Bishop, Floyd. Deadwood and Delaware Smelter. Knutzen, Theodore. Broughton, F. S. D. Black Hills Daily Times, Dec. 23, 1892, p.1, col.4.
Among the mines December 24. Daily quotes; Hawkeye; Ajax; Bristol; Florence; St. John; mining brevities. Mining. Homestake Mining Company. Caledonia Mining Company. Deadwood-Terra Mining Company. Hawkeye Mining Company. Ajax Mining Company. Koenigsberger, S. Bristol Mine. Florence Mine. St. John Mine. Graham, Al. Carpenter, Frank R. Knutzen, Theodore. Broughton, F. S. D. Gertie Mine. White, Dick. White, Thomas. Black Hills Daily Times, Dec. 24, 1892, p.1, col.5.
Kuntzen's mother-in-law very low. Theodore Kuntzen went to Rapid in response to telephone that wife's mother lying very low and not expected to live through the night. Knutzen, Theodore. Black Hills Daily Times, Dec. 29, 1892, p.2, col.3.
Deadwood and Delaware smelter review. Operations of the Deadwood & Delaware smelter for the past year. Deadwood and Delaware Smelter. Carpenter, Franklin R. Knutzen, Theodore. Black Hills Daily Times, Jan. 1, 1893, p.3, col.3.
Knutzen daughter very sick. Little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Knutsen, very sick with scarlet fever at Rapid, reported some better: Dr. Carpenter daughter at Rapid taken down with scarletina. Knutzen, Theodore. Knutzen, Theodore Mrs. Carpenter, Franklin R. Carpenter, Franklin R. Mrs. Disease. Black Hills Daily Times, March 31, 1893, p.3, col.2.
Delinquent sale notice. 500Summarization of legal advertisement. Ross Hannibal Mining Company notice of delinquent stock sale. Ross-Hannibal Mining Company. Bearcroft, W. H. Knutzen, Theodore. Black Hills Daily Times, Jan. 5, 1893, p.3, col.5.
Register of deeds report December 6. Filings reported by register of deeds. Brettell, George E. Cameron, William B. Bennett, Charles W. Highland Mining Company. Excelsior Mine. Salisbury, Orange J. Thompson, Stewart R. Rewman, Paul. Rubens, Joseph R. Tohrson, Peter. Caulfield, L. R. Musselman, John. Ashcroft, Felix. Deadwood and Delaware Smelting Company. Knutzen, Theodore. Sander, Henry. Jenkins, L. P. Black Hills Daily Times, Dec. 5, 1893, p.1, col.5.
049BHTD Register of deeds report December 10. Filings reported by register of deeds. Star, Solomon. Bullock, Seth. Merchants National Bank. Knutzen, Theodore. Thusnelda Mining Company. Hill, Jacob T. Hill, Susan A. Welcome Mining Company. Lucille Mining Company. Beck, Peter. Black Hills Loan and Trust Company. Penner, Herman. Baker, James E. McClure, John. Timma, W. C. Deadwood and Delaware Smelting Company. Black Hills Daily Times, Dec. 10, 1893, p.2, col.3.
Waggoner held over. Frank Wagooner, Strawberry gulch hermit prospector, held to answer to U.S. grand jury in February. Waggoner, Frank. King, Joseph. Rorapaugh, H. C. Knutzen, Theodore. Harding, J. A. Kidd, Edward. Black Hills Daily Times, Jan. 5, 1896, p.2, col.1.
Delinquent sale notice. Thusmelda Mining Company notice of delinquent stock sale. Thusmelda Mining Company. Ahrens, Carl. Knutzen, Theodor. Black Hills Daily Times, May 1, 1896, p.2, col.4.
Filed for record Nov. 10. Register of deeds report. Toomey, A. J. Murphy, Daniel. Murphy, Elizabeth. Grace, M. A. McHugh, C. E. Star, Solomon. McDonough, Luke. Swift, Joseph. Carpenter, Franklin R. Knutzen, Theodore. Deadwood and Delaware Smelting Company. Ahrens, Carl. Carter, Theodore C. Emilia, Catherine. Briggs, Alfred F. McKay, Hugh D. Smith, Elwood P. Phelps, John S. Davis, R. L. Black Hills Daily Pioneer Times, Nov. 10 , 1897, p.2, col.3.
Yesterday's personals. Theodor Knutzen left for Chicago; B.F. Lazelle in the city; Mrs. S.B. Sharp went to Hot Springs; V.A. Hampton departed; R.B. Hughes in the city; Robert Herron arrived; William Hitzell departed for Cape Nome; G.G. Dennis departed; Martin Berg passed through. Knutzen, Theodore. Lazelle, B. F. Sharp, S. B. Hampton, V. A. Hughes, R. B. Herron, Robert. Hitzell, William. Dennis, G. G. Berg, Martin. Black Hills Pioneer-Times, May 9, 1900, p.5, col.4.
Yesterday's personals. Lee Hoyt up from Custer; C.A. Diamond went to Sturgis; George Stather left for Omaha; G.F. Stebbins returned; Theodore Knutzen and wife returned; H. Richardson returned; Mrs. Anson Higby and Mrs. W.T. Graham departed; Mrs. Ida Sherman-Womeldorf went to Nebraska; Miss Alice Jewell left for Sioux Falls, accompanied by Miss Paine, who may remain as attendant; B.R. Noble arrived; Joseph Underwood departed; F.W. Bower and family went to Custer for Mrs. Bower's health. Hoyt, Lee. Diamond, C. A. Stather, George. Stebbins, G. F. Knutzen, Theodore. Knutzen, Theodore Mrs. Richardson, H. Higby, Anson Mrs. Graham, W. T. Mrs. Sherman-Womeldorff, Ida M. I. Jewell, Alice. Paine, Miss. Noble, B. R. Underwood, Joseph. Bower, F. W. Bower, F. W. Mrs. Black Hills Pioneer-Times, May 30, 1900, p.5, col.1.
Delinquent property tax list. 500Summarization of legal advertisement. Mineral lands. Minng. Edgemont and Union Hill Smelting Company. South Carolina Mine. Anaconda Star Mine. Gold Bug Mine. Torrence, W. W. Kittie L. Mine. Murray, R. W. Far West Mine. Hayes, William. Anchor No. 1 Mine. Nolan, J. C. New Year Mine. Red Fox Mine. Headman, L. B. Rainbow Mining Company. Gold Stone Mine. Live Oak Mine. Smith, Andrew J. Paddock, Mattie L. Delaware Mine. Delhi Mine. Ulster Mine. Warren Mine. Raussalser Mine. Albany Mine. Foley, James. Blarney Stone Placer. McDowell, Allen. Columbia Stone Placer. Thor Stone Placer. Hattenbach, Aaron. Hadley, E. J. Sawdust Stone Placer. Reynolds, Kate. McLaughlin, Frank. Keating, Pat. Dotson, Mary. Woodbine Stone Placer. Ray, Samuel. Ray Stone Placer. Dotson, Clinton. McFarland, John D. Sloane, Albert J. Netzow, Otto. Hall, W. W. Armstrong, H. C. Wabash Mine. Temple, W. O. Lawson, J. N. Last Chance Mine. Franklin, Harris. Peggie Mine. Knutzen, Theodore. Van Klack Mine. Granville Mine. Buckeye Mining Company. Mondeligo, Louis. Hammenway, H. S. Silver Glance Mine. Terry, James. Tortat, Henry A. Brody, James. Cleopatra Mining Company. Cleopatra Mine. Ceasar Mine. Robinson, J. N. Huxley Mine. Austin Mine. Reilly, Ed. Fairbanks, J. B. Smith, A. J. Hall, Lee. Saxton Mine. Delancy Mine. Hamden Mine. Walton Mine. Harney Mine. Rielly, Margaret. Eagle Chief Mine. Thompson, A. L. Young, H. B. Maude Mine. Challenge Mining Company. Mable Grand Mine. Challenge Mine. Hartzell, George W. Summit Mine. Naddy, William. St. Paul Mine. Garvey, Barney. Mabbs, Austin. White House Mine. Congress Mine. Smith, Pat H. Russell, F. W. Champion Mine. Galena Mining Company. Clay, Henry. Mauss, John. Black Prince Mine. Gem Mine. Harrison Mine. General R. E. Lee Mine. Dean, Thomas. Mary Queen Mine. Favorite Mine. Cement Hill Mining Company. James, Robert. Logan Chlorination Plant. Garvey, Bernard. Talahasse Mine. Tariff Mine. Fish, Giles M. Sunset Mine. Rainy Day Mine. Black Hills Pioneer-Times, Oct. 5, 1901, p.3, col.5.
Notice to creditors. Estate of Wm. Kopman, deceased. Kopman, William. Knutzen, Theodore. Black Hills Pioneer-Times, Oct. 20, 1901, p.3, col.2.