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1876 Deadwood Genealogy
Deadwood Ancestors
1876 Stage Arrivals by Surname, A - Z
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1876 Stage Arrivals by Surname, A - Z
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Posts: 795
Aug 21, 2011
RE: 1876 Stage Arrivals by Surname, A - Z
Posts: 795
Jun 18, 2010
1876 Stage Arrivals by Surname, A - Z
Deadwood Stage Arrivals 1876 - 1879
1876 Adaddell, E. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Adams, A.J. arrived with 250 men from Massachusetts
1876 Adams, J.K. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Agness, P. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Aikey, D.B. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Akey, D.R. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Allen, P.W. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Allen, R.W. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Allin, Frank M. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Anderson, S. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Armstrong, G.L. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Ashton, J.A. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Ayer, E.M. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Bailey, R.O. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Bain, W. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Baker, W. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Ballard, H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Ballard, K. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Ballou, B. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Bandley, C.H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Bauman, H.J. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Beary, C. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Beck, S.J. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Belding, J.P. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Bell, S. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Bennett, S.W. of Alta City arrives in Deadwood
1876 Bennett, W.C. arrives in Deadwood, brings news
1876 Bently, C. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Benze, Sol arrives in Deadwood
1876 Berghoffer, George arrives in Deadwood
1876 Black, C.H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Boithoff, H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 BooKaw, L.D. on jury, Jack McCall trial
1876 Borie, A. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Bowen, E.R. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Brenen, John arrives in Deadwood
1876 Brett, William arrives in Deadwood
1876 Brewer, D.C. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Bristen, E.R. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Brown, C. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Brown, Jno. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Browning, James arrives home from trip East
1876 Buchanan, D. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Buggy, Mrs. Mary H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Bullock, Seth arrives in Cheyenne
1876 Bullock, Seth elected commissioner and fire warden Deadwood
1876 Bump, J.J. on jury , Jack McCall trial
1876 Burke, Ed. on jury , Jack McCall trial
1876 Burke, H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Burke, J.H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Burke, Tom arrives in Deadwood
1876 Burke, X. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Burke, X.E. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Burns, C.H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Bush, B.D. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Calamity Jane has arrived, Cheyenne Leader, insert
1876 Calder, Thomas arrives in Deadwood
1876 Campbell, A.R. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Campbell, J.A. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Carman, J. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Carmichael, W. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Carter, A. P. wins as council for Deadwood
1876 Carty, Mrs. B.R.W. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Cashman, J. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Chapline, A.B. selected by Jack McCall as attorney
1876 Cheer, W.H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Cheever, W.H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Christ, C.F. of Pioche, NV arrives in Deadwood
1876 Christel, G. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Christensen, P. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Clark, A. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Cleary, J. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Cofferty, P. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Colburn, W.J. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Collins, E.R. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Collins, P.H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Cook, George C.C. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Cooper, J.F. on jury, Jack McCall trial
1876 Coot, C.H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Corr, Hugh arrives in Deadwood
1876 Couk, Lea arrives in Deadwood
1876 Cran, V. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Cummings, J. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Cummings, John arrives in Deadwood
1876 Cystal, G. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Davis, C.E. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Day, Hon. A.V.P. judge of Custer arrives in Deadwood
1876 Dempsey, James arrives in Deadwood
1876 Deooep, H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Dicky, H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Dillon, J. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Dolling, W. L. arrives in Cheyenne
1876 Donald, G.W. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Donald, P.O. of Pioche, NV arrives in Deadwood
1876 Dowling, W.S. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Doyle, C.L. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Ducker, Ben arrives in Deadwood
1876 Dunbar, Alex arrives in Deadwood
1876 Durbin, John arrives in Deadwood
1876 Edwards, B. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Edwards, J.L. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Edwards, S. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Ellis, W. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Emmeluth, C. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Farnum, E. B. wins as mayor of Deadwood
1876 Faulkner, W.M. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Featherstone, John arrives in Deadwood
1876 Ferguson, F.L. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Ficlance, D. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Fine, E.E. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Fisher, C. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Fisher, O. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Fitzgerald, James arrives in Deadwood
1876 Fletcher, Arthur of Salt Lake arrives in Deadwood
1876 Ford, E.R. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Ford, J.B. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Ford, Judge arrives in Deadwood
1876 Franklin, M. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Frederickson, A. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Fullinton, G.H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Fulner, M. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Gahres, C.R. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Gallagher, Major P.A. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Gardner, C.B. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Garret, L.J. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Garrison, A.G. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Geizer, L. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Ginsburg, A.A. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Glass, Jean arrives in Deadwood
1876 Gneusham, E. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Godfrey, E.J. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Goodell, W.B. arrives in Cheyenne with Capt. Jack
1876 Gorman, James arrives in Deadwood
1876 Graham, W.B. of Pioche, NV arrives in Deadwood
1876 Gray, P.H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Green, Con. runs for council in Deadwood
1876 Green, O. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Greenly, J.H arrives in Deadwood
1876 Gremett, J.H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Griffin, Mary arrives in Deadwood
1876 Groves, G. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Groves, M. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Haas, H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Hall, G. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Hall, John H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Halley, Jas. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Hamilton, R. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Hanley, T.F. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Hanson, A. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Hanson, O. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Harmer, D. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Harner, S.H. of Pioche, NV arrives in Deadwood
1876 Harra, Delores arrives in Deadwood
1876 Harrell, J. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Hart, C.C. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Harvey, P.E. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Hay, George arrives in Deadwood
1876 Hayer, C. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Helley, Ed. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Henderson, H.B. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Hendricks, Charles arrives in Deadwood
1876 Hibbard, W.H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Hibbard, W.H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Hibbard, W.H. of Cheyenne arrives in Deadwood
1876 Hickok, Wild Bill is shot by Jack McCall, Nuttall and Mann
1876 Higgins, George arrives in Deadwood
1876 Hill, H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Hollins, W. G. runs for mayor of Deadwood
1876 Hollins, W.H. of Pioche, NV arrives in Deadwood
1876 Hollister, T.H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Hopkins, S.S. on jury , Jack McCall trial
1876 Hosford, William arrives at Deadwood
1876 Hunter, S.J. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Iliff, J.W. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Jackson, D.N. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Jacobs, C.H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Jacobs, S.E. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Jameson, A.P. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Jaster, J. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Jenkins, J. J. will prosecute McCall for Hickok's murder
1876 Jennings, R.D. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Jennings, Thomas arrives in Deadwood
1876 Joel, Thos. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Johansen, P. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Johnson, J. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Johnson, J.J. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Johnson, P. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Johnston, O.W. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Jolley, C. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Jolly, Charles arrives in Deadwood
1876 Jones, A. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Jones, Morris of Pioche, NV arrives in Deadwood
1876 Jones, Powell arrives in Deadwood
1876 Joy, G.A. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Judd, L.A. on jury, Jack McCall trial
1876 Judson, John arrives in Deadwood
1876 Kaster, O. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Keef, William arrives in Deadwood
1876 Keet, T. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Keilly, Mrs. Gay P. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Keithly, W. R. runs for mayor of Deadwood
1876 Kelly, R. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Keudall, J. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Kimball, Mrs. arrives in Deadwood
1876 King, Charles arrives in Deadwood
1876 Kingrose, James arrives in Deadwood
1876 Kinne, S.H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Kline, Joseph arrives in Deadwood
1876 Knudsen, P. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Kranich, W. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Kubtz, Keller Dwd City Council signs petition
1876 Kurtz, Keller Deadwood City Councilman
1876 Kuykendall, Judge appointed to Deadwood committee
1876 LaBorteaux, S.H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Lambert, S.F. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Landra, J. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Langrishe, John arrives in Deadwood
1876 Leary, J. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Lee, C. runs for council in Deadwood
1876 Levi, J. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Lewis, A.C. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Lewis, Jerry runs for marshal in Deadwood
1876 Liscom, Mrs. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Logan, A. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Longshore, J. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Longtine, S. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Lucke, T.G. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Lund, A. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Luthy, T.E. arrives in Deadwood
1876 McCall, Jack alias Sutherland, John Varnes wanted
1876 Mackay, W. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Madden, J. runs for marshal in Deadwood
1876 Maguire, H.N. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Mahew, O. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Mann, John on jury, Jack McCall trial
1876 Markell, William arrives in Deadwood
1876 Martel, W.E. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Martin, F.P. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Mathew, O. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Matkin, C.W. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Mattison, J.T. arrives in Deadwood
1876 May, George Col. chosen prosecuting attorney, Jack McCall
1876 McCarty, L. arrives in Deadwood
1876 McCauley, James Deadwood City Council signs petition
1876 McFay, B. arrives in Deadwood
1876 McInnis, S. arrives in Deadwood
1876 McIntyre, J.W. arrives in Deadwood
1876 McKinney, Dr. appointed to Deadwood committee
1876 McMasters, A.M. arrives in Deadwood
1876 McNally, J. arrives in Deadwood
1876 McNally, J.V. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Meller, C. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Messer, E. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Meyer, J. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Mickle, Leroy arrives in Deadwood
1876 Miller, A.S. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Miller, C. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Miller, C. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Miller, E.S. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Miller, G. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Miller, Dr. J.G. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Miller, Judge Joseph family arrives in Deadwood
1876 Miller, Judge J. runs for council in Deadwood
1876 Milton, L. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Monday appointed to Deadwood committee
1876 Moore, R. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Moran, B. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Morgan, R. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Morrill, J.R. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Morrill, R. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Murphy, J.M. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Murray, P.H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Myers, H.B. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Nelson, J. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Newson, T.M. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Newton, G.H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Nichols, John arrives in Deadwood
1876 Nielson, C. arrives in Deadwood
1876 North, J.E. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Norton, Jas. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Notmey, L. arrives in Deadwood
1876 O'Brien, W.J. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Oder, Andy arrives in Deadwood
1876 Oleson, L. arrives in Deadwood
1876 O'Neil, James arrives in Deadwood
1876 O'Neil, P. arrives in Deadwood
1876 O'Neil, Thomas arrives in Deadwood
1876 Ordury, E. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Ostram, George and Charles arrives in Deadwood
1876 Otice, John arrives in Deadwood
1876 Pardee, Ed arrives in Deadwood
1876 Patterson, E.B. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Patterson, Mrs. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Pease, W.D. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Peck, T.A arrives in Deadwood
1876 Penwell, J. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Perrine, P.J. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Pexton, E.C. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Philbrook, H. C., Deadwood City Councilman
1876 Phillings, M.A. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Phillips, A. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Phillips, A. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Place, W.E. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Plumb, M. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Poray, A. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Porter, Mrs. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Post, M. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Post, M.E. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Potter, J. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Price, C.J. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Quay, J. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Queens, El. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Rafferty, William of Pioche, NV arrives in Deadwood
1876 Randall, G.C. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Randall, George C. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Randolph, J.H arrives in Deadwood
1876 Reed, J. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Reeves, R. J. survey of town, Dakota or Wyoming
1876 Reitlock, W.P. of Salt Lake arrives in Deadwood
1876 Reynolds, R. of Salt Lake arrives in Deadwood
1876 Rich, J.M. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Richards, H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Ricks, W.H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Robb, W.T. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Roberson, D.A. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Roberts, F.M. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Roberts, J.L. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Robertson, Jno. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Robinson, J.C. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Rorick, A. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Rosengarden, L. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Russell, C. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Savage, F. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Scannell, T. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Schultz, Dr. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Scmit, W. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Seymour, J. F. of Utter and Seymour estab
Deadwood to Ft. Laramie pony express
1876 Shaw, F.M. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Shanklin, Charlie arrives at Deadwood
1876 Sheehan, William arrives in Deadwood
1876 Sheppard, Mattie arrives in Deadwood
1876 Sheridan, M. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Sherman, George arrives in Deadwood
1876 Shoudy, J. City Meat Market, Post Office Building
1876 Shovlin, P. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Shuman, A.C. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Shunerman, George arrives in Deadwood
1876 Shupe, E.S. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Silvis, Capt. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Simpson, J. of Salt Lake arrives in Deadwood
1876 Slaughty, J.H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Small, Joe arrives in Deadwood
1876 Smith, Charles arrives in Deadwood
1876 Smith, Frank of Smith Bros. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Smith, Preacher H.W. 50 years old, of Springfield Mass. died
1876 Smith, Mrs. S. and daughter arrives in Deadwood
1876 Smith, W.Y. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Snick, R. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Stahl, H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Stanley, John arrives in Deadwood
1876 Stapleton, Con. wins as marshal in Deadwood
1876 Starr, Sol., Deadwood City Council signs petition
1876 Stewart, D. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Stokes, O.P. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Stone, A. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Street, C.E. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Stucks, W. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Stuter, D.D. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Sumner, William A. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Sutherland, F. T. runs for clerk and treasurer of Deadwood
1876 Swift, John A. wins as clerk and treasurer in Deadwood
1876 Tardy, Sam of Salt Lake arrives in Deadwood
1876 Teshmay, William arrives in Deadwood
1876 Thames, A. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Thompson, J.E. on jury , Jack McCall trial
1876 Thompson, J.H. on jury , Jack McCall trial
1876 Thorsen, E. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Thronton, C.E. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Thurston, Moses arrives in Deadwood
1876 Towle, K.F. on jury , Jack McCall trial
1876 Travis, Alex on jury, Jack McCall trial
1876 Treanor, J. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Tree, H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Triggs, J.H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Turner, J.A. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Utter, Charley of Utter and Seymour
estab Deadwood to Ft. Laramie pony express
1876 Vanalstyne, C. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Vanduzen, A.P. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Vorhees, L. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Vosburg, R.H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Voze, E. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Wade, William arrives in Deadwood
1876 Wagner, Laura arrives in Deadwood
1876 Wakeman, J.D. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Walker, A.J. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Walker, C. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Walker, T.A. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Ward, W. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Ward, W. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Waters, James arrives in Deadwood
1876 Watt, W.H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Weifneicht, J.H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Weise, C. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Wertheimer, J. runs for council in Deadwood
1876 Western, W. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Whitehead, Major arrives in Deadwood
1876 Whitehead, J.R. of Cheyenne arrives in Deadwood
1876 Whitehead, Judge administered oath, Mayor Farnum
1876 Wilcox, Maj. J.C. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Williams, H.W. arrives in Cheyenne
1876 Williams, H.W. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Wilson, D.H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Wilson, G. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Wilson, Jno. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Wilson, M.M. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Wilson, W.C. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Window, J. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Wing, Capt. James H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Wolley, Major arrives in Deadwood
1876 Wood, B.C. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Wood, W.H. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Workman, B.B. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Wustum, John S. of Chicago arrives
1876 Young, D. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Youst, J.Y. arrives in Deadwood
1876 Zindel, O. arrives in Deadwood
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