strutnjs posted: "A notable black citizen, Bo Williams (his name was a corruption of Beau) summoned many of his friends to help celebrate his birthday at the National House in April 1883, where he engaged an orchestra, brought in many of his friends of the Twenty-fifth Infantry from Fort Meade, and attempted to collect an admission fee at the door, but so few of his friends paid that Mrs. Marie Bernard, the proprietress, was obliged to collect them herself, after kicking Bo several times around her dining room in retribution."
Deadwood Historical Newspaper Articles: Bo Williams
Decided to celebrate natal day in "original" manne Williams, Bo Apr 13 1883
Bo reserved dining hall for 20 couples, had no money Bernard, Mrs Apr 13 1883
National Hotel & Mrs. Bernard
For rent or sale, French & National Hotel, ad National Hotel Jan 03 1883
Board by meal, day or week, Sherman St, ad National Hotel Apr 01 1883
Proprietor of National Hotel, Sherman St, ad Bernard, Mrs Apr 01 1883
National Hotel. Two doors south of the court house, Sherman street, Deadwood. Board $.50 per week; meals 25 cents; beds 25 and 35 cents; furnished rooms at $1 per week. Doors open day and night, and warm meals at all hours. House refitted and refurnished; clean beds and attentive servants, and table supplied with the best in the market. Choice wines and liquors at the bar. Good stabling in connection with the house. Horses to hay over night, 75 cents. National and French hotels for sale at a bargain, or National for rent. Mrs. Bernard, proprietor. March 1, 1884
Snowy birthday celebration & military constraints
Storm was general, over entire hills, onto prairie Weather Apr 10 1883
Telephoned, barometer was falling, storm likely Gaston, John Apr 11 1883
Storm prostrated government telegraph lines Military Apr 11 1883
Snow storm of past 2 days general throughout Hills Weather Apr 14 1883
Heaviest snow storm of year during past 30 hours Weather Apr 15 1883
Braved rigors of Fridays storm, Col paid respects Lawrence, John Apr 15 1883
Would you like to submit a photo of Bo Williams to this site or additional information regarding his place of birth and death?
-- Edited by webmaster on Tuesday 16th of March 2010 11:26:24 AM